Advertising – Figment Design



What is Advertising, really?

Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage or persuade your audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering.  Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new advertising media such as blogs, websites, banner ads, PPC or text messages.

Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through “branding” and brand building, which involves associating a product name or image with certain qualities in the minds of consumers. Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies.

Figment Design, an Advertising Agency located in the heart of Coconut Grove (Miami) – We love what we do and it shows in our work and our dedication.

At Figment Design we realize that clients are our partners and that we are an extension of their internal sales and Marketing & Advertising team. As a creative advertising agency, we don’t just produce the work and walk away, we care about the results for our clients, and we work hard to ensure the results generate business both local and online.

Whether it’s to develop your brand through new and exciting creative design, web design, internet advertising, conventional advertising or to develop effective media campaigns that reach the right target, Figment Design has a team that will focus on you and meet your needs. We pride ourselves in being hands on. This is a professional advertising agency that will actually listen to your advertising, marketing and website needs, work diligently in collaboration with you, your thoughts, ideas and concerns, with the ultimate goal of generating powerful results both online and using conventional methods.  We work with all local business in florida both large and small customers as well as national and international clients for their advertising, creative and marketing needs.

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Maybe you mean: 'homefull' or 'home2017' or 'oops' or 'lp' or 'chta-2018' or 'landing-page-2018'

We Truly are a FULL Service Advertising Agency that specializes in Design, Branding & Marketing

We offer our expertise in all aspects of advertising

Though our advertising, marketing and design services are expansive and cover a lot of ground within this industry, the professionals at Figment Design (Coconut Grove), Miami Advertising Agency have been working in their respective fields for many years successfully and can easily navigate our clients/partners through the various aspects of the advertising / marketing / design process.

We offer our advertising, marketing and design expertise in all aspects of advertising including: graphic design, web design, website development, wordpress development, wordpress design, online advertising, web marketing, full service printing, direct mail, brochures, fulfillment and distribution. Additionally, we proudly offer photography, aerial photography & video, media planning and buying, promotional items, vehicle wraps and trade-show displays. With an industry that is always changing and making technological advances, additional services are being added every day in order to better service our clients and their advertising, marketing and design needs.

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We Truly are a FULL Service Agency Though services are expansive and cover a lot of ground within this industry, the professionals at Figment have been working in their respective fields for many years successfully and can easily navigate our clients/partners through the various aspects of the advertising process. We offer our expertise in all aspects of advertising including: graphic design, web design, full service printing, direct mail, brochures, fulfillment and distribution. Additionally, we proudly offer photography, media planning and buying, promotional items, vehicle wraps and tradeshow displays. And with an industry that is always changing and making technological advances, additional services are being added every day in order to better service our clients and their needs. [/wc_column][/wc_row] [/cudazi_tab] [cudazi_tab title=’Media’] [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]


Your brand and message may be great…but who is seeing it? No matter how good your message is, if it doesn’t get in front of the right audience, then it is just a waste. Our CEO likes to say, “don’t advertise a pork chop sale to the pigs, advertise it to the pig farmers!” We not only focus on your message, but that its getting to the audience that will respond and be interested. The days of throwing mud at the side of the building and seeing what sticks is gone, now it is all about the ROI. Let us show you what our media department can do for you: research, planning, placement and management. Click here for more about Media Marketing [/wc_column][/wc_row] [/cudazi_tab] [cudazi_tab title=’Brand’] [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]


Who Are you?…Really!! If your branding is not consistent, then how are your customers going to recognize you in a sea of competition. You have to know who you are, before you decide what you look like. If you need help with branding, we have a team of professionals ready to create a new brand or re-brand what you have. Let us show you a look that says who you are; we can help you find yourself, or re-define yourself. Click here for more about Branding [/wc_column][/wc_row] [/cudazi_tab] [cudazi_tab title=’Print’] [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]


Yes, we still print on that white stuff… Even though the industry has changed; printing has also evolved and now there are new papers, new inks and different types of specialized printing styles. With so many different types of printing, it’s always reassuring that your agency knows the methods inside and out. We not only understand it, we specialize in it. From Sheet Fed, to Web, to large format, to shirts and promotional items…it all falls under printing. So let us work with you on your next project and show you the difference. Click here for more about Print [/wc_column][/wc_row] [/cudazi_tab] [cudazi_tab title=’Web’] [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]


Everyone is using it…even you! No matter what you do, it seems that somehow or someway you have to use the internet. The first thing you do to “check something out” is to look them up on the web. Make sure that your web presence is searchable, but then make sure your future clients are just as comfortable on your site as they would in your lobby. Make your site inviting. Figment has your solution; from initial design, development, programming, mobile devices and much more. Click here for more about Web [/wc_column][/wc_row] [/cudazi_tab] [cudazi_tab title=’Photography’] [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]


A picture is worth a 1,000……yes, we all know that one! But it’s still true. If you are looking to promote a product, food, hotel, business, anything, you have to have something to show the customer that is appealing. In today’s world where everyone has a camera, you find a lot of “Photographers”, but when the final shots come in, this is when you find out the truth. So many details go into a real photo shoot: Lighting, time of day, location, models, travel…we plan according to the clients final production and we make sure our client has peace of mind all along the way. Click here for more about Photography [/wc_column][/wc_row] [/cudazi_tab] [cudazi_tab title=’Aerial Photography’] [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]


HD Aerial Photography & Video All of our helicopters have functioning gimball mounts that are stabilized using the latest technology to eliminate as much vibration as possible. This is especially important when using smaller version cameras that don’t have the stabilizing lenses. All of our ships will fly with GoPro Hero II cameras. These are known for their quality, color enhancements, and just an all around great video camera for the size. These cameras are small enough that our helicopters can maneuver quickly and have good flexibility in the air. Click here for Aerial Photography [/wc_column][/wc_row] [/cudazi_tab] [cudazi_tab title=’Video’] [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]

Video & Production

This is not your family or wedding video we’re talking about. Today there are so many different ways to create commercials, documentaries, webisodes and more. And each of these has a different budget that varies according to quality and production. At Figment we have experience in shooting large scale productions to small viral video sequences. We can create storyboards for your project, plan the shoot, organize locations, directors and videographers, and edit in-house; from pre to post, we’re ready to roll. [/wc_column][/wc_row] [/cudazi_tab] [/cudazi_tab_group]

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Maybe you mean: 'homefull' or 'home2017' or 'oops' or 'lp' or 'chta-2018' or 'landing-page-2018'

Some examples of our work.  Below you will find several pieces of our work including large format printingdesign, marketing, advertising, print, web, development, animation, logo design, wraps both for vehicle and windows as well as outdoor signs, billboards, videos and trade show displays.   Simply click the icons below to view our advertising, marketing and design examples.

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Maybe you mean: 'homefull' or 'home2017' or 'oops' or 'lp' or 'chta-2018' or 'landing-page-2018'

We realize that clients are our partners and that we are an extension of their sales and marketing team. As a creative agency and marketing agency, we don’t just produce the work and walk away, we care about the results for our clients, and we work hard to ensure the results generate business.

[cs-extra-map heading_size=”h1″ address=”2977 McFarlane Road, Coconut Grove, FL 33133″ coordinate=”25.7276882,-80.2411857″ infoclick=”1″ infowidth=”200″ type=”TERRAIN” zoom=”13″ width=”auto” height=”350px” scrollwheel=”” pancontrol=”” zoomcontrol=”” scalecontrol=”” maptypecontrol=”” streetviewcontrol=”1″ overviewmapcontrol=”1″ api=”AIzaSyDQULkLFBBs6U06_zKUtuB4BzD0TWEH3Wg” markercoordinate=”25.7276882,-80.2411857″ markertitle=”Figment Design
2977 McFarlane Road, Coconut Grove, FL 33133″ markerdesc=”Branding – Creative – Web – Social – Marketing – Photography – Video” style=”blue-water”][/cs-extra-map]

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