seo – Figment Design

Why SEO Alone Isn’t Enough

Website traffic is incredibly important to any company. Since almost all consumers conduct some amount of online research when looking for businesses, an increase in website traffic should almost always correspond with an influx of new customers. Faced with the need to acquire as much website traffic as possible, it’s likely that you’ve focused much […]

Common Business Website Mistakes

DOES THE WEBSITE HAVE A CLEAR PURPOSE Studies have shown that 500 milliseconds (i.e. half a second) is the amount of time needed by a site visitor to be engaged when landing on your page for the first time. That is why it is one should ask, “Does this site pass the blink test?” The […]

Why Can’t I Find Myself On Google?

Your company has just started its first paid search or SEO campaign, and you can’t wait to see results. You may feel the impulse to start Googling brand terms and other keywords to ensure your ads are serving and the copy looks correct. Or maybe you’ll scroll down past the ads to see how your […]

Your Business: To Be or Not to Be Online?

Why Should Your Business Need To Be Online? Giving your small business an online presence means more than simply putting up a website with your address, email and phone number. It means setting up a virtual version of your business, the face and branding of your company and a social presence such as a Facebook […]

How WordPress Is Changing The Fashion Industry

WordPress & The Fashion Industry People often make the mistake of classifying WordPress as just a blogging platform. Although that used to be true in the past, WordPress has evolved throughout the years into a versatile content management system (CMS). While you can still use WordPress to create a simple blog, now it also allows you […]

Understanding Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for begginers

Found several great articles on getting started with SEO and some of the basic ideas/techniques behind search engine optimization. Create unique, accurate page titles A title tag tells both users and search engines what the topic of a particular page is. The <title> tag should be placed within the <head> tag of the HTML document. Ideally, you […]

Mobile to pass desktop in search next year, if not already!

Let it be known that mobile devices will lead all search activity in 2015! According to a new eMarketer report, “Key Digital Trends for 2015: What’s in Store—and Not in Store—for the Coming Year,” the mobile revolution already well underway will earn smartphones and tablets leadership in generating spend, organic traffic and paid clicks through […]

What is canonical and why should I use it

Hinting to Search Engines the Preferred Version of a Document. When you run a data driven site or have other reasons why a document might be duplicated it’s important to tell search engines which copy is the master copy, or in the jargon, the “canonical” copy. When a search engine indexes your pages it can tell when content […]