seo – Figment Design

Long Term SEO & Proving Value

How do you show the value of long-term SEO recommendations in the short term? Take HTTPS as an example. As search marketers, we know there is long-term value in transitioning to a secured site. The web is moving in a more secure direction, users want trust, and heck, Google has stated it’ll give preference to […]

Looking For A Better Balance Between Direct And OTA Booking?

Complete Resort Packages – Figment Design Looking For A Better Balance Between Direct And OTA Booking? Looking For A Better Balance Between Direct And OTA Bookings? There’s no magic button that suddenly opens the floodgates to direct bookings. And while your striving to earn more direct bookings, how do you keep your market share of […]

Introduction to style sheets

Style sheets represent a major breakthrough for Web page designers, expanding their ability to improve the appearance of their pages. In the scientific environments in which the Web was conceived, people are more concerned with the content of their documents than the presentation. As people from wider walks of life discovered the Web, the limitations […]

Mobile to pass desktop in search next year, if not already!

Let it be known that mobile devices will lead all search activity in 2015! According to a new eMarketer report, “Key Digital Trends for 2015: What’s in Store—and Not in Store—for the Coming Year,” the mobile revolution already well underway will earn smartphones and tablets leadership in generating spend, organic traffic and paid clicks through […]