web design & development – Figment Design

web design & development

Why Social Media is Best Viewed as a Long-Term Investment

Social media is an important tool, but in our experience, many SMBs (Small and Midsized Businesses) don’t fully understand how to harness this channel. When businesses realize the amount of work and time necessary to make these platforms yield results, they often lose enthusiasm. Social media efforts go silent, and all of that time is […]


While an email (E-Blast) newsletter can look superb in the inbox, when squeezed onto a small screen, it can become unusable with small fonts, narrow columns and broken layouts. Users are able to zoom in but are then constantly and infuriatingly required to scroll horizontally. Links appear small and congested, with no regard for large […]

Determining Reach & Frequency

You want your television and radio advertising campaigns to help increase your client base, boost sales, and strengthen loyalty. However, what metrics are you using to determine when you’re meeting these goals? Along with gross rating points (GRP), reach and frequency are some of the most essential numbers to figure out advertising effectiveness. Understanding these […]

Augmented Reality in Marketing

Bring everyday objects to life aug·men·ted re·al·i·ty An enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information on an image of something being viewed through a device (as a smartphone camera); also : the technology used to create augmented reality. Connect digital content with the real world using an augmented […]

Don’t Be Last In Search Results

Take Your Google Search To The Next Level With Figment Design Online Marketing Opportunities SEO/SEM/PPC A great website attracts more visitors, entices them to stay on the site longer, maximizes your conversion rate and increases sales. But how do you get them there? We have a full array of products that can deliver qualified visitors […]

Looking For A Better Balance Between Direct And OTA Booking?

Complete Resort Packages – Figment Design Looking For A Better Balance Between Direct And OTA Booking? Looking For A Better Balance Between Direct And OTA Bookings? There’s no magic button that suddenly opens the floodgates to direct bookings. And while your striving to earn more direct bookings, how do you keep your market share of […]


What is Advertising, really? Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage or persuade your audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering.  Advertising messages are usually [...]

Figment Design – A New Year A New Look

Figment Design’s new site is brand new! New ways to check our Work! It’s easy to check out our Services!

Things to Do and Places to Go When Your Creative Well Has Run Dry

You’ve been busy creating campaign concepts, logo designs or ad copy and things are clicking and when the next job comes along you feel like your creative tank is empty. We all know and dread that this day will come. You think and think and the ideas just don’t come easily or at all. What […]

Content, Social Media

“Content is Fire, Social Media is Gasoline.” – Jay Bear, Convince and Convert

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